Democracy is an aberrationDemocracy is a flash in the pan. It cannot be assumed.Jul 4, 20243Jul 4, 20243
There’s a reason why Conservative prime ministers are so badThe Conservative’s leadership election process is to political thinking what the Habsburg’s marriage policy was to genetics.Oct 16, 20222Oct 16, 20222
Genocide in the age of Social MediaThe Internet means it is harder now for a genocide to erase all memory of people, so Putin will fail to destroy Ukraine.Oct 2, 20223Oct 2, 20223
Britain’s Unelected GovernmentLiz Truss has been gifted two and a half years of almost unlimited power to play out a massive economic experiment that nobody voted for.Sep 27, 20221Sep 27, 20221
Published inUnderstanding 21st Century RussiaWhy Russia’s war in Ukraine is Genocide — (Part 3)On Russia’s GenocideJul 31, 2022Jul 31, 2022
Published inUnderstanding 21st Century RussiaWhy Russia is a Fascist dictatorship — (Part 2)On Russian FascismJul 31, 2022Jul 31, 2022
Why we urgently need to call Russia Fascist and Russia’s war Genocide — (Part 1)On the use of wordsJul 30, 20222Jul 30, 20222
The Conservative leadership race has been suspended for the good of the countryLast night I had a dream that this was the front page newsJul 20, 20221Jul 20, 20221
Putin shows us why the Queen mattersWe ask the monarch to give up any freedom over her future in order to protect our democracy and we repay her with a relatively comfy life.May 30, 202244May 30, 202244
Boris Johnson’s non-resignation in context — other people resigned for far lessSo far, no Conservative politician has resigned in protest. No Conservative minister has resigned in shame.May 25, 20221May 25, 20221